Durex The Birds and Bees Talk

Durex The Birds And BeesTalk is a comprehensive life skills program to empower adolescents to make informed decisions about relationships and sexuality.
Sangya Project
Gifting Sponsor

Sangya Project is a sex-tech manufacturer, pleasure store and educative space focused on destigmatising common perceptions of sex and sexuality.
Karma Center

Karma center offers psychological services such as counselling, psychotherapy, assessments and other clinically effective facilities and ensure that they are tailor made to suit your personal needs. They are a sex-positive and queer affirmative space.
Enfold reach out to children and adult stakeholders across India, to address gender and sexuality with a special emphasis on child sexual abuse, through education, training, research, advocacy, and tangible support.
Community Partner
Solidarity Foundation
Community Partner

Solidarity Foundation is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) working for the dignity of sex worker, gender and sexual minority communities.
Agents Of Ishq

Agents of Ishq (AOI) is a pathbreaking digital comprehensive sexuality education project enabling conversations about sex, love and desire for young Indians in English and Hindi, now in its 7th year of a lively existence.
Aspec Malaysia
Community Partner

A-Spec Malaysia was created on 1 July 2019. The motivation behind its creation was to meet the need in the Malaysian queer community for an a-spectrum safe space and to provide resources to those questioning being on the a-spectrum

AVEN hosts the world's largest online asexual community as well as a large archive of resources on asexuality. AVEN strives to create open, honest discussion about asexuality among sexual and asexual people alike.

Leading with pride

We will build communities of resilient, empowered change leaders, from diverse corporations, communities, collaborating together to make the world better.
Knowledge Partner

The Race, Asexuality, Colonialism, and Empire (R/ACE) Working Group was started in 2021 by Daniel Yo-Ling with the purpose of curating a space for Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) identified aspec scholars, writers, activists, and artists to critically explore (a)sexuality and (a)romanticism in relation to the ongoing structures of race, (settler) coloniality, and imperialism/empire-building.
Intersex Asia
Intersex Asia is an autonomous regional network of intersex-led organizations and individuals from Asian countries that work to support, educate and advocate for the rights and lives of intersex individuals and raise awareness on human rights violations and discrimination faced by intersex communities.
Community Partner

ManoShala aims to establish preventive methods to intervene at early stage of mental issues and provide with accelerated cure using alternative and medical methods.
Women's Web
Community Partner
Women’s Web is a media-tech company in the business of producing content that inspires and enables brands to reach a targeted digital audience. They enable women to share real stories and are a leading resource for women in India.
Red Dot Foundation
Community Partner

Ending violence against women and girls using crowdsourced data, community engagement and institutional accountability.

Plan India
Community Partner

Plan India is a nationally registered non-profit organization that aims to advance children’s rights and equality for girls, thus creating a lasting impact in the lives of vulnerable and excluded children, their families, and communities.
Working With Pride

We’re a community of Diversity & Inclusion Professionals along with LGBTQ+ employees and Allies helping each other help make India more LGBTQ+ inclusive.
Knowledge Partner

At Equilibrio Advisory LLP, our Vision & Mission is to provide legal remedies &
psychological interventions for building Equitable & Safe Spaces