Meet The Team

Director and Conference Chair
Dr. Pragati Singh
A ​medical graduate from Maulana Azad Medical College, Dr Pragati is an internationally renowned asexuality leader from India. She is the founder of The Indian subcontinent's first initiative working for asexuality,, and
She is featured in tBBC's list of 100 most inspiting and innovative women from around the world.

Communications and Outreach
Hina Siddiqui (She / Her)
Hina is a writer, theatre maker and educator. She does things in gaming that are hard to explain but totally awesome. Her core skills include grilling veg, talking to cats, and pulling radical queer-futuristic story concepts out of her… ahem… head.

Olipriya (She / They)
Olipriya Roy (she/they) is a demi-gendered bisexual individual who likes to write, cook, and paint whenever she feels down. She spends her free time reading philosophy and petting cats. Her favourite feminist poets include Slyvia Plath and Anne Sexton, and her favourite genres of cinema are horror and thriller.

Satbhan Singh (He / His)
Satbhan identifies himself as a platform and domain agnostic storyteller. He has been working at the intersection of communication, media and development with an interest in writing across several formats. In his free time, one can find Satbhan doing social experiments on dating apps or watching a tv show that he has watched a few thousand times.

Oragnising Secretary and Research and Technical Lead
Sneha Srinivasan / Xin Ni (They / She)
Shy Sneha requires two hands to count the number of languages they’re familiar with. Their interest in research and stories situates them in this cozy niche of writing in different formats. Xin Ni identifies as a non-binary Ace on the Aro-spectrum. They are the Program Lead and Coordinator of

Creative and Design Lead
Divya Vasudevan (She / Her)
Divya enjoys working in the design space that brings together her interest in both science and art. She is a lifelong learner and experiments with various crafts that allow her to express herself in a unique way. She spends her free time reading everything from epic fantasy novels to psychology textbooks and watching anime with friends.

Web Designer
Shishir Kolte (He / His)
Shishir is a tech enthusiast, currently trying to get into a drama school. He listens to all genres of music but vibes the most to 80's Rock n Roll. Tends to ignore humans when there is a cat in the same room. He loves to explore and try different kinds of food, play videogames and read manga!!